Tag: health disparity

Public Health's Guide to Pivots & Possibilities

More local health data: valuable, confusing, or both?

In my days doing epidemiological modeling, I always heard the phrase “Models are always wrong, but some are useful” (attributed to George Box). And, I’m struck by the potential utility of this mindset when looking at the various population health data reports, summaries and rankings published with regularity.… Read more

If pharmacy deserts exist, can there be pharmacy deluges?

When driving around Wilmington, NC, the density of pharmacies in some areas is comparable to the density of coffee chains in some major cities. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing (especially when you are in need of either cold medicine or a coffee), it is something that has caught my eye recently. Was what I noticed the result of a convenience sample because of the roads I drove on, or am I living in a city with high pharmacy density?